Updated guidance on the property possession process
The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has updated its guidance for landlords and tenants in the private and social rental sectors in England and Wales.
The latest guide dated September 2021, explains what rights and responsibilities you have as a landlord when you need to use the courts to take possession of your property. This includes the new arrangements which were introduced in association with the lifting of the suspension of possession cases in the county court on 21 September 2020.
Updates also show the end of the fee waiver for applications to extend warrants of possession which expired due to the pandemic.
The full guidance is available here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/understanding-the-possession-action-process-guidance-for-landlords-and-tenants/understanding-the-possession-action-process-a-guide-for-private-landlords-in-england-and-wales